Why you should set your sights on an AGM Starter Battery.
The world is in the last gasps of winter right now. The freezing temperatures will not give up their grip on every physical material object without a fight. In some parts of the world, people are finding out just what those three letters C-C-A printed atop their vehicles starting batteries actually mean and just how they can throw life into a brief bit of miserableness at the most inconvenient time.
CCA matters, but more than that, your batteries internal composition MATTERS. To many folks, AGM is another set of confusing letters that don’t mean much to them until they experience an infuriating little failure in the most annoying moment. And here is where we step into the subject of this article. If you don’t have an AGM battery for your car, boat, diesel, or basically anything that has an engine, we will make the argument that it is time to get one, and why, in fact, it should be a Full Throttle battery.

AGM: absorbed glass mat. Yeah, that probably doesn’t help. The name is innocuous in and of itself, but those little components of what amounts to fiberglass infused with acid are the heart of this technology. That’s the basic foundation, but it can be improved upon, especially for use in cars, trucks, tractors and boats. Full Throttle employs the AGM format, but one ups it by utilizing thinly stranded, meshed plates of pure lead (TPPL), which essentially turbo charges the battery, making it capable of spitting huge bursts of energy out when you turn the key on your vehicle. Taking that cold winter temp by the nape of the neck and tossing it across the front yard. Producing a sort of instantaneous resurrection of your vehicle.
Of course, there’s more to it than that. The combination of AGM and TPPL tech that Full Throttle employs spreads its beautiful tentacles out impacting so many other needs you didn’t know your vehicle had. Vehicles today are so demanding of their battery, greedily drinking up power. The aforementioned thinly stranded plates create a massive amounts of surface area. This allows power to flow out of, and just as importantly, back into the battery with very low impedance, think fire hose vs. plastic straw. This technology is beneficial to so many modern vehicle challenges, start/stop, diesel, high-compression, lighting, stereo amps, winches, fridges, charge ports, etc. and etc.
Many typical starting batteries can do this, but it stresses them, and the life of the battery will be shortened. The design logic of these batteries had no point of reference for the demands of modern vehicles when they were introduced. They excel at starting in the engine and stepping aside when the alternator takes over. Full Throttle batteries were designed with these challenges in mind and are therefore unphased when heavier cyclic demands are placed on them. Purpose-built design in turn means longer life.
Full Throttle batteries are sometimes referred to as dual-purpose. In practical terms, this means you can run the battery with the engine off, as a sole source of power for longer periods without damaging it. When the engine is started again, the battery’s high level of charge receptivity allows it to quickly recharge. Not only that, but this also means the battery is capable of starting the vehicle even in a low state of charge, largely due to the thin plate design mentioned throughout this article.

Cold winter temps be damned. Full Throttle AGM batteries can handle the cold and keep all your vehicles’ demands well in hand, no matter the time of year.